A couple of months ago, we received a message on Facebook from a lady named Thabisa. Thabisa runs the Yizani Sibonisane Seniors Club in Masiphumelele. She had heard of CareCompany and asked us whether we would be able to help her and her group.
The YSSC meets three times a week to provide simple meals, activities and a chance to socialise for the club’s 40+ members who live in the area. The club has been around for a number of years and are entirely self-funded with members contributing R10 a month to supplement the donations of food and equipment they receive.
Over the last few months we’ve met regularly with Thabisa to see how we could help. We’ve helped her put together the documentation she needs to apply for a regular grant from the department of social development, we donated a laptop to the group and we’ve been working on a plan to help provide transport for their less-mobile members.
Today we are launching a wool collection drive for the club’s knitters. Knitting keeps hands and minds active and, in partnership with the Woolcrate Craft Shop at Valyland Center, we’re hoping to work with the club to produce knitted childrens-wear for young children and babies from the local community.
We talk all the time about ‘sharing the love’ and ‘paying it forward’ and we are constantly challenging ourselves to walk-the-walk. We are grateful to Thabisa for reaching out to us and we hope that together we can keep even more Elders happy, healthy and independent.
CareCompany is a registered NPO and all donations are overseen by our Trustees.