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The Importance of Looking After Yourself if You’re Looking After Someone Else

Caring for the ones we love is truly a labour of love - it’s an opportunity for us to put love into action.

Having said that, a lot of caring time is spent focusing on the person being cared for, but it is so incredibly important to make sure that carers are taking care of themselves too.  We simply can’t give to others if our cup is empty.  

What better way to look after yourself, than to focus on a healthy lifestyle? February lends itself to some lovely warm days and are great for getting out and about.  Fresh air, nutritious food, sunshine, movement and laughter are the best medicine for a healthy self-care routine. 

So, I hear you ask?  What can we do out there?  Here are some ways you can fill your cup so you can look after your loved ones.

  • Why not pack a lovely, healthy picnic for a gentle early morning walk in nature? If you’re near the beach even better, if not, head to your local gardens or green belt.

  • A leisurely drive can clear your head, as can browsing the local markets and farm stalls. A change of scenery can make the world of difference and you don’t usually have to go far to uncover hidden gems.

  • How about trying something new? Relaxing, gentle exercise and/or meditation can make the world of difference after even just one session.

  • Spend time with friends who love and support you is one of our personal favourite ways to practice self-care. Call up an old friend for a chat and a catch up.

  • Remember those hobbies that used to bring you joy? Pick up a book, craft, or any other hobby (new or old) that leaves you feeling satisfied and accomplished.

If there is a need for you to be more home bound:

  • What about spending some time in the garden, giving your herbs or pot plants some much needed love through the warmest month of the year. I am absolutely disastrous at plants, but I keep trying, because my mum can make ANYTHING flower.  Just pottering around in the garden is a  beautiful act of self-love.

  • Or what about enjoying your favourite movie. ‘Yentle’ gets me in the tissue-box every time! Make some popcorn, turn off your phone and enjoy a couple of hours of uninterrupted me-time.

  • If you have to be at home to care for your loved ones, why not do something relaxing that they can get involved in? Build a puzzle or include them in your hobby. It might be just the right injection of R&R for all of you.

  • Find a local beautician that does house-calls so you can enjoy a treatment in the comfort of your own home.

There is so much more to a healthy lifestyle than what we eat.  It’s also about what we feed our minds, how and when we move our bodies and spend time with people who fill up our cup.   


It’s also really important that you know, that you do not have to do it all alone.  We can provide home-based care, to give you a break or some extra support when you’re running out of steam.


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Knowing that someone cares about you is a basic human need that is important to your health and happiness.

We are also the children and siblings of aging loved-ones and understand many of the challenges you may be facing.

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CareCompany is a registered NPO. Our mission is to care and be of service to others in our communities.

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I. Forgan

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