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Tea and a Chat with Our Carers: Michelle

"It is important to look after, cherish and treat those we care for as we would one day hope to be treated."

We're able to carry out our work supporting the Elderly because of the special individuals who make up our Care team. Get to know them in our weekly Tea & Chat posts and find out more about why they are so passionate about caring for the Elderly.

How has caregiving changed your life?

Caregiving has changed my life by reminding me that the Elderly were not always frail and vulnerable, they’ve had meaningful, interesting lives, worked hard and survived many ordeals and experiences. We tend to forget that we will all one day be just like them; we can only hope there will be others to care for us as we have cared for them. It is important to look after, cherish and treat them as we would one day hope to be treated.

Tell us about some of the little things you do to make your client smile or make their day better.

Being able to listen is a very important part of caring. After spending a bit of time with a client I soon learnt to predict what they might need or want before they ask and this makes it easier on them. For the Elderly, even a simple task can be extremely difficult, but I still encourage them to do as much for themselves as possible so as not to take away their independence.

What’s the best way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

Sunday afternoons are for family, spending time outdoors, making the most of our wonderful climate and natural beauty, climbing, fishing, shell and fossil hunting. Our favourite thing to do is to pack a picnic, grab the dogs and spend hours at a time out in nature.

What career would you choose after caring?

I would probably go back to caring for animals, but you never really leave caring for people behind, it is automatic and part of life to want to help and assist when someone is in need. Make the most of any experience good or bad, because there is always someone going through far worse.


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Knowing that someone cares about you is a basic human need that is important to your health and happiness.

We are also the children and siblings of aging loved-ones and understand many of the challenges you may be facing.

Costs are often front of mind - we strike the right balance to deliver the best quality care without costs running away

CareCompany is a registered NPO. Our mission is to care and be of service to others in our communities.

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T. Springhall
J. Curtis
I. Forgan

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