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Tailored care when you need it

Now and then you might find yourself in need of some help to get you through a challenging time.

That was exactly the case when we got a call from Chris’s wife. Chris had a back operation and while the surgery went well, he needed some support while he recovered.

We sent one of our experienced Carers, Di, who was able to help Chris with showering, getting dressed and getting him into his chair safely. Di also worked with Chris’s physiotherapist to help him with the rehabilitation exercises he needed to do to speed up his recovery.

For any post-surgical patient and their family, there’s nothing more reassuring than knowing there is a solid, professional support system at home to help them recover comfortably and safely. So when Chris and his family called in the CareCompany they knew that he would be getting the best care, but what they didn’t expect was that Di would actually become a good friend.

Here’s a note from Chris’s wife expressing her gratitude for the genuine care that Di provided to her husband.

Hi Jeanette,

Thank you very much for organising Di Russell to come and care for Chris. She is a very nice person and we have all got on so well together. Her caring is very much appreciated.

I really think that Chris has improved to such an extent that we will not require Di’s wonderful services after the end of September.

I would like to thank you so much for all the concern you have shown, and for sending us Di – she has really become a good friend rather than a carer.

If we do need caring services in the future, we will certainly get in touch with you again.

Kind regards,

Peta Mason

At the end of Chris’s recovery, Di had cared for Chris for two months and made a huge difference to the lives of a family when they really needed it.

Our services are personalised to fit your specific needs. If you or a loved one is preparing for surgery or needs additional support, get in touch and get the guidance and service you deserve. 


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Knowing that someone cares about you is a basic human need that is important to your health and happiness.

We are also the children and siblings of aging loved-ones and understand many of the challenges you may be facing.

Costs are often front of mind - we strike the right balance to deliver the best quality care without costs running away

CareCompany is a registered NPO. Our mission is to care and be of service to others in our communities.

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Valyland Center

Recreation Road

Fish Hoek

Cape Town, 7974

CareCompany Benefit Trust is a registered non-profit organisation

NPO 171-258
PBO 930053684

J. Mills (Founder)
T. Springhall
J. Curtis
I. Forgan

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