If you need medical care, the best thing for you is to be settled at home and in the hands of a high-quality nurse.
The CareCompany prides itself in offering the best and most personal care services.
We believe that looking after every aspect of life, including emotional needs and support for families, is key to help you maintain a happy and independent life. We are continually striving to offer more care options and so we are pleased to announce a new Nursing Care service.
As the head of this new service and a registered nurse for many years, I will be able to use my skills and lifelong experience in home-based care and nursing to lead a team of professional nurses and carers to cater for the more medical and nursing needs that our clients have.
What makes our new Nursing Care service so special is that it allows you to get the medical attention or procedures you need provided in the comfort and security of your own home. Whether you’re recovering from planned hospital stay after a hip replacement, need care following an unexpected event like a stroke or heart attack, or even just keeping on top of long-term health conditions – the best thing for you is to be settled at home and in the hands of a high-quality nurse.
Our experienced and registered nurses are trained to give you the support you need to get you back to your healthy self. We take a patient-centered approach and make sure we liaise with your GP or Consultant to really understand the full picture. We combine our services with the rest of what CareCompany offers so that you can be sure of a complete package to support you.
Plus, our registered nurses all hold a Private Practice Number making medical aid claims for your procedures and care a possibility.
Whether you’d like an assessment, for us to pop-in and check on your meds or run small tests for your GP, or discuss post-surgery recovery – get in touch and get the guidance and advice you deserve.