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5 meaningful ways to show you care

Caring for elderly loved-ones is such a special privilege. But we are only human and there are times when we can get so bogged down with day to day business that we forget being old can often lonely.

Loneliness is a well-known plague among elders and even though your loved-one may not be alone, they might sometime feel unseen, unheard, or guilty for having to rely on others.

At CareCompany, we work with exceptional carers who know how important it is to form genuine connections with those trusted to our care. While we provide a high quality of care, we’re also good at spotting the little things we can do to show that we are listening, we’re here to help and we enjoy your company.

We’ve collected a list of ways our carers have made a difference to our client’s quality of life. So, whether you are caring for a loved one or want to make a difference to someone’s life, here are a few simple ideas that you might not have thought of to show how much you care:

  1. Read to them – When one of our dear clients went into frail care, his carer would visit every day to read him the newspaper. It was something he had been doing his whole life so keeping his routine was comforting and brought up a lot to talk about.

  2. Pedicures – Another client’s limited mobility in her 80s meant that it was harder to reach her toes than it was 30 years earlier. It didn’t affect her sense of humour, but she couldn’t care for her feet as much as she’d like. One of our carers would pop in once a week for a soak, scrub, and massage (plus lots of laughter). A small act that has transformed a carer into a friend.

  3. Listen – An incredibly special client lost her husband at the start of the year and together with lockdown, she was left feeling very isolated. She was so grateful for the company when her carer would arrive with groceries and they would chat chat chat. Our carer was asked to stay for another cup of tea so often it’s become a running joke between them. We live busy lives and the art of listening sometimes comes down to just giving your time without hurry.

  4. Learn from them – Mrs H had been knitting for 60 years when she had to give it up due to arthritis in her hands. She was delighted when her carer asked her to teach her how to knit. For weeks on end they spend their time together knitting rows and rows of mismatched wool. It was soothing for the client, and a bit cathartic too, as she adjusted to a new stage in her life.

  5. Call round for no reason – Mr G has always loved boerie rolls – the kind you get at markets when you’re a kid. Whenever his carer went somewhere where they were selling them, she would buy him one and pop by to surprise him with it. The delight on his face getting unexpected surprises like this was worth it every time.

We want you to know how much we admire those who look after their elderly loved ones. It is a gift but not without sometimes enormous challenges. Whether you need help full time or just here and there, it’s reassuring to know that there is someone you can rely on if you need a break or are in a tight spot.

Contact us at about getting a personalised care plan for your loved one.

We don’t just care for you, we care about you and we’re here to help!


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Knowing that someone cares about you is a basic human need that is important to your health and happiness.

We are also the children and siblings of aging loved-ones and understand many of the challenges you may be facing.

Costs are often front of mind - we strike the right balance to deliver the best quality care without costs running away

CareCompany is a registered NPO. Our mission is to care and be of service to others in our communities.

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CareCompany Benefit Trust is a registered non-profit organisation

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J. Mills (Founder)
T. Springhall
J. Curtis
I. Forgan

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